My passion is to express the creative processes, dive with my soul, body and mind in to the flow of present and share it with others. To support once who are looking for the ways to unlock the creative potentials, be part of there journey, rise and grow with them.

Projects: 2014
Mobile Plant Kingdom (MPK)
2 day research and 4 day hands on workshop in Oxaca, Mexico. Designed and facilitated by Patrick De Koning and Lina Kusaite

Mobile Plant Kingdom is a collaborative project, that wants to learn, unite and bridge gardening ecology, technology and crafts of trans-local cultures. The project brings together a number of artists, teachers, craftsman, who will create a ever growing eco-social installation within the urban context. The installation of the MPK’s is organized around the number of participatory workshops, that focus on local, innovative and artisanal technologies for the gardening methodologies (to create urban eco-cultural systems).
The projects is looking into how artistic practices can support the connection of nature’s gifts and old-new technologies, as well as enhance an understanding of the necessity of diversity and connectivity within urban cultures.
MPK grew out of several projects and number of activities that sprouted within Nadine’s artistic networks and international collaborations. It is a confluence of two projects: the installation Mobile Growing Units (MGU), that took roots at EU funded EITC project (Euroaxacan Initiative for Transformative Cultures 2010-2013) and Plant Kingdom (a systematically designed series of workshops for children about urban ecosystems, initiated by artist Lina Kusaite).

Projects: 2013

Plant Kingdom
Today the gap between the ‘Natures World’ and mankind has grown too great. Even so, while this global problem is huge, most of the solutions available to us are local, empowering and fun. Edible plant ecosystems is one of these solutions: an attempt to bridge that gap, using different collaborative design methodologies. Plant Kingdom is a systematically designed series of workshops for children, that gives an opportunity to discover their neighborhood, history and eco-social systems. The project aims to foster children’s creativity and openness, that gives them the opportunity to imagine and create their own futures


DIY workshop: Vegetable-ink Making
2 hour workshop for Feest van de Natuur, in collaboration with D’Broej vzw, designed by Lina Kusaite and facilitated by Martine Roosen and Lina Kusaite, Brussels, Belgium 2013
The aim of the workshop is to show different ways how to use our daily vegetables and fruits, that children can find at home. To encourage kids to see vegetables not only as the food, but as well as the source of many things: paints, colours, forms, stories and many more. It is a 2 hour hands on workshop, during which children (6-12) learn how, by using very simple kitchen tools, can make a beautiful colours form different flowers, berries and vegetables. As well, some experiment is shown for children how to transform red cabbage juice by simply using lemon and baking soda. How from bright purple you can create pink and green/blue.

Understanding the Essence of Flowers – Exploring Pollen
The workshop is part of Aolto Biofilia – Base of Biological Arts program and took place in collaboration with Harakka Lountotalo of Helsinki Environmental Centre. It was guided by Christina Stadlbauer, Asta Ekman and Lina Kusaite/ Helsinki, Finland
There is an intrinsic link between bees and flowers. In evolution they arose at the same time, bees feeding on nectar and pollen; the flowers relying on the pollinators for reproduction. Bees visiting flowers and harvesting their essence is a choreography that nature performs each year. In these encounters, the flowers disclose their secret to the bees, who take it home in the form of scent and taste.
In a second part, we focus on the poetic aspects of plants and pollinators, their relation and communication with each other. Inspired by these dynamics, we engage with the visual aspects of pollen, inviting drawing, painting and collage to reveal stories and metaphores behind this natural phenomenon of pollination.


Projects: 2012

Fermentation as an energy generating process

Self learning, experimental, open for everyone workshop, facilitated by Martynas Savickis and Lina Kusaite, Interdisciplinary Art Centre Serde, Aizpute, Lativia 2012
How can we use one of metamorphoses process: fermentation, for creating energy in our individual and collective lives? How do we make decisions when experimenting with unknown, what are the conclusions based on results, and where does it bring us? The process of creating energy comes not only from food, but also as a nourishing routine in our individual and collective lives. During 4hours we explored understanding this process through fermented cucumbers, from traditional to more improvised methods, through discovering different wild plants. Our journey included the theory behind fermenting practices, and an exploration of various successful flavor combinations from different recipes. We did this through hands-on activities (plant foraging, understanding, plant documentation and preparation) that resulted in a kaleidoscope of different fusions of flavors. The workshop was completed by sharing our day’s discoveries and inspirations, and looked at what a creative and collaborative processes can offer.


Resilient dialogue/Citizens and the City
It’s a 4 hours discussion and hands on workshop for teenagers, XIV International Festival for New Media Culture ‘Art+Communication 2012′ Riga.Workshop designed and facilitated by Lina Kusaite, with assistance of Anne Trapenciere and Michel Buwens as a quest speaker
We all have our own dreams. If ‘I’ could do what ever I want – how my environment would look like? Give a possibility for teenagers to design there surroundings, let their imagination and dreams run free & create the city they would love live in. During 4 hour, participants will be invited to walk in the city, where they will explore the landscape and relationship with it. How our choices and will to act gives us a possibility to create our own environment(context). Are we resilient in our own surrounding, or are we simply reacting to what is build, given, decided?
“The future is waiting right around the corner and we are the once, that shall shape it. All our decisions and actions affect our future lives and surroundings” by Guna Elizabete Freimane/ workshop participant 

Forumas Kurybingumui Ugdyti/Kurybines Partnerystes
Lietuvos parodu ir kongresu centras LITEXPO, Vilnius, Lietuva, 2012
Paskaita: Kurybiskumas: Ideja ir Meistryste/ Moderuotojai: Lina Kusaite ir dr. Tomas Sodeika
“Senojoje Sanskrito kalboje yra zodis Lila, reiskiantis zaidima: kurimo, naikinimo ir atkurimo zaisma. Lila gali buti pats paprasciausias reiskinys – spontaniskas, vaikiskas, atviras. Taciau beaugant ir patiriant kasdienybes sudetingumus, Lila gali patapti sunkiausiai pasiekiamu gyvenimo tikslu..” Citata is : Free Paly” by Stephen Nachmanovitch. Pokalbio metu pristatysiu savo kûrybine gyvenimo veiklaa, ir kaip Ideeja, Zinios bei Praktika tapo pagrindiniais bendrazygiais ir „zaidimu aikstele” mano asmeniniame ir visuomeniniame augime.
pristatymas konferencijai

Projects: 2005 – 2011

Seedballing workshops
Design and facilitation by Lina Kusaite (FoAM), Brussels 2010, Helsinki 2010, Aizpute 2012
Seed Balling – is a natural farming technique which contains plant potential for an entire ecosystem.
Seedballs have use in nearly any climate region in which plants can grow, for reseeding ecosystems into areas of man-made-deserts, for avoiding seed eaters, and for protecting seeds until long-duration rains fall to soak the clay ball, stimulating the seeds with the moisture, and washing away some of the clay off the top of the ball. The seeds inside then germinate in the best possible plant establishment conditions available in each climate-region.


Production Landscapes: ‘Grow your own’
Workshop at ALNARP – The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Workshop design and facilitation by: Anna Maria Orru, Johan Zetterquist and Lina Kusaite (FoAM)
On the 12th of April 2011, FoAM Brussels and FoAM Nordica, together with students from Landscape architecture department at Alnarp, the Swedish university of agricultural sciences, joined for 5 hours to brainstorm, investigate and look at the different creative methodologies for strengthening our relationship with what we eat, and how we grow food in the cities.
Through hands-on suggestions and creative alternatives, we tried to explore the relationship to the way food arrives on our plates daily. Making the concept accessible, desirable, fun, educative, and worthwhile to plant where one lives. And begin to understand the discourse around what the main challenges are presently, and in the future, on how we feed our cities


Kanal Labs triangulated
Urban edible walk in Brussels during the Kanal Festival in 2011
Walk designed and lead by Lina Kusaite(FoAM).


Germination X
Concept design, concept art and production by Dave Griffiths and Lina Kusaite(FoAM) Brussels/Helsinki 2010 -2012
Germination X is an online game inspired by FarmVille, that questions what would happen if there games were infused with aspects of permaculture and where “plant spirits” help or hinder you as you discover a world organised by companion planting.

Toegepast: Fit to Boost
Exhibition about the food cultures. Lina Kusaite(FoAM)Brussels 2010
FoAM had a groWorld installation at the Toegepast: Fit to Boost! exhibition, pruned and created for by Lina Kusaite.


Concept design and production by Robert Brecevic(Performing Pictures) and Lina Kusaite,(FoAM), Stockholm 2010
It is an interactive application, story and artwork by FoAM and Performing Pictures, is shown at the Japan Media Arts Festival in Dortmund. In Immanentia, the viewers are drawn into a world of Lina Kusaite’s patabotanical drawings of phantasmagoric trees and plants. The drawings illustrate the daydreams of a little girl found at the doorstep of a children’s house in Rose Cottage Home in Dickleburgh around 1890. The artwork is created for i3DG, an interface for iPhones/Pods/Pads able to turn 2D imagery into 3D – creating a minuscule theatre-stage in the palm of your hand. i3DG is created and designed by Jitsuo Mase. The project was designed for exhibition at the Rotterdam International Film Festival in 2011. After it was invited to join the traveling exhibition to Dortmund and Osnabrück Germany. As well it was shown at Museum of Arts and Design, New York, USA


Green Food
Workshop organized and facilitated by Lina Kusaite (FoAM) and Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino and cultural organisation Kibla in 2009
This retreat was a part of the series of research retreats organised by gRig partners. About 20 artists, scientists and researchers from different cultural and professional backgrounds were brought together to discuss their methodologies, exchange experiences and experiments about food production and wild edibles.


Interactive environments: TRG
Project designed and produced by FoAM(Belgium) and Kibla(Slovenia) 2005
TRG is a responsive environment. It unfolds, expands and curls up based on the energy levels within its perimeters. The experience begins in a cafe, with specially-designed snacks and cocktails, flooded with sonic echoes from the depths of transient reality and illuminated by a window into the visual melange of the TRG atmosphere. We invite several players at a time to join us behind a stretched fabric wall. Sometimes we blindfold them. They are guided to a seat, to submerge their feet in warm water, bubbled up by foot-jacuzzis. After having their legs dried and massaged, stories are woven from the lines on their feet, socks stretched over their tingling toes. We equip them with a new “head,” through which the physical environment becomes invisible, making space for the visual immersion in the simulated world. We lead the players during their first steps in TRG and then leave them to explore…