If you had no limitations, what would your life look like?


What is coaching?

Coaching is first and foremost a secret partnership between two people: the coach and the client. Coaching is a systematic process that creates the safe space for development and growth in your personal and professional life. It is a set of tools that enables you to build the joy and fulfillment in everyday life to the maximum and beyond. It’s simple, it’s beautiful and it’s magical. It is a process that makes your heart smile and it’s for everyone.

The Process

During coaching you are the one who decides which goal to choose and which way to take to reach that goal. Imagine you are in the forest where there are lots of little paths to choose from; you are the one who will make the choice which way to go, take the steps and it is up to you entirely what you will create out of this journey. I believe that there is nothing more rewarding and empowering than the discovery of your own way and outcome. You become the owner and creator of your own path.

As a coach I am there with you all the way, not telling you what to do, but listening to you, asking powerful questions and providing support. I provide the space where you can discover new possibilities and new ways of seeing things and creating the safe space to share and celebrate your growth.

A coaching cycle consists of a minimum of 7 sessions. During the first session you create one or more achievable goals, which we will call – ‘cycle objectives’. The following sessions are like mile stones or steps that help to bring you to your chosen destination. The last session closes the cycle, and it’s the moment when we complete your journey. One session lasts about 1 hour. Sessions can be held through Skype or face to face, and usually take place weekly or fortnightly basis (every second week). The schedule can be adapted to meet your personal requirements.

The coaching is given in English or Lithuanian


What can you expect from coaching?

To achieve your goals,
To expand your awareness and clarity
To improve your performance in all areas of your life, business or career
To get unstuck in the different areas of your life
To improve your relationship with Self and with others
To step out of your comfort zone and live the Magic.
To gain new empowering skills for the future of your own growth
To have fun and full support from the coach


My approach with which I step into the coaching process with you

You matter
At every time and every moment be connected within your heart
Your life is magical
All you need in life is already here, you just need to see and take it
Life is a constantly changing process and you are part of it
Only an empty hand can receive it
Nothing is wrong


The Next Step
The next step is to get in contact, so we can find the time to schedule for our first conversation and see what the possibilities to work together are. And, if you have any questions concerning coaching, I would be more than happy to provide you with any additional information to help you clarify them.
I would love to hear from you and discover what we can co-create.

Email: linakusaite@gmail.com
GSM: +32476533656


Further information

Coaching methodology
The methodology is called “Creative Consciousness Coaching”. It is based on classical coaching, and goes hand in hand with awareness creation. While classical coaching helps a person to become more effective in realizing their dreams, which means that the coaching scope is restricted by what the client is aware of, Creative Consciousness Coaching has a structure that creates new awareness of unknown possibilities. We all know things, and we also know what we don’t know. However, there is a huge area of possibilities available in the space of ‘what we are not aware that we are not aware of’! This is the domain of the unknown, which is penetrated by Consciousness Coaching, enabling clients to reach their desired destination. What’s more, during the journey, clients discover whole new areas they were never aware of before.





I have recently completed six sessions of consciousness coaching with Lina. We used Skype during the six approximately hour-long sessions, and I was genuinely surprised at the efficiency of this mode of communication. Lina created and held the space of a warm and open environment which allowed me to safely delve into aspects of myself that I would not have found alone. Lina facilitated a clear state in my mind where I could own and choose what it is that I want to achieve in all aspects of life. Lina was attentive and attuned to me as an individual, and taught me in a most exciting way, giving me a new and empowering skill set for life.

Susan Hauri-Downing


The way Lina coaches is personal and surprising. By mirroring she confronted me with my own stuff. Working with her is valuable and subtle. She has shown me how important it is to “be honest to myself”. A coach with spirit and humour.

Thea Geraats
Photo is taken form: http://www.andybasileinsight.com/holi-festival-of-colors/